4 Health Warning Signals from Your Ear
Not everyone visits their EENT regularly. Our ears are one of the least parts of our body that needed much attention. But did you know that aside from the sense of hearing, our ear can give health signs? Your earwax is not a sign of poor hygiene. It is a lubricated body discharge that helps prevent dirt and unwanted substance from entering our inner ear. These lubricants will tell you about some health signs or conditions. Earwax Cleaning Tips: Experts said it is much safe if we leave our earwax alone. But we still need to clean it now and then to avoid ear infection. Please do not use a cotton swab or push the dirt into the inner ear. Instead, use cotton balls soaked in hydr0gen peroxide, drip directly inside your ear with the ear opening facing up. Please keep it in that situation to loosen the dirt for a minute, then tilt your head sidewards, pouring the liquid and grime off your ear. To avoid the spread of bacteria and germs from your ear, prepare wet...