4 Health Warning Signals from Your Ear
Not everyone visits their EENT regularly. Our ears are one of the least parts of our body that needed much attention. But did you know that aside from the sense of hearing, our ear can give health signs?
Your earwax is not a sign of poor hygiene. It is a lubricated body discharge that helps prevent dirt and unwanted substance from entering our inner ear. These lubricants will tell you about some health signs or conditions.Earwax Cleaning Tips:
Experts said it is much safe if we leave our earwax alone. But we still need to clean it now and then to avoid ear infection. Please do not use a cotton swab or push the dirt into the inner ear. Instead, use cotton balls soaked in hydr0gen peroxide, drip directly inside your ear with the ear opening facing up. Please keep it in that situation to loosen the dirt for a minute, then tilt your head sidewards, pouring the liquid and grime off your ear. To avoid the spread of bacteria and germs from your ear, prepare wet disinfectant wipes to catch the drip from your ear. Wipe any excess liquid drop to your outer ear.
Earwax color
You can use cotton swabs to determine the type of earwax you have:
- White flaking and cracking earwax signify a lack of vitamins.
- Gray earwax indicates accumulated dirt and dust is trapped inside your ears. You need to clean your ears regularly; if kept in your ears, it will soon result in cracking, irritation, and eczema.
- Black ear wax does not mean any disease or harm if it happened only once. It is a result of an older earwax. Our earwax contains fat, and when it corresponds to oxygen, the earwax blackens; it will continue to turn black and may result in fungal infection until cleaned.
- Earwax with blood. Some older earwax may seem darker if a streak of blood is present. It may indicate that there is something wrong with your eardrum. We need to contact our medical professionals immediately. The damaged eardrum may lead to infection at the loss of a sense of hearing. Though eardrum also can heal on its own.
Excessive earwax
Notice some earwax is almost visible in the outer ear opening. It is because earwax can be moved towards the ear opening whenever we chew or move our jaw. But not all is a result of chewing; some is due to excessive earwax. Apocrine glands are triggered to produce excess earwax when you are in a stressful and high emotional situation. It is a good sign that you must relax and take a break.
Foul-smelling earwax
The presence of a foul smell in your earwax reveals that there might be water trapped inside your ears that will lead to high bacteria build-up and ear inflammation. It can also be a result of the damaged eardrum or soiled earwax. An irritating sound inside your ears sometimes accompanies it. Contact your doctor immediately.
Avoid bacteria and germ contamination if you are in the process of cleaning your ears. Wrap used cotton swabs or cotton balls in nonwoven fabrics wet wipes. Then wipe your ears' outer area; spunlace nonwoven fabric for wet wipes is safe to use. It is made of spunlace cotton, polyester, and viscose fibers; though not woven, the threads used are entangled soft cloth-like material.
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